Back in the days, when I exited a local agency job and tried to find some freelance, my first projects were completed for just a few dollars. But in time my clientele increased significantly with all of the previous clients returning for more collaboration, and always with more than positive feedback.
However, I also wanted to experience working in a company, so I accepted an offer to join the Canadian company Katipult as a UI/UX designer. My time at Katipult gave me the opportunity to work in a B2B SaaS environment for the first time in my career. The biggest challenge was transforming client websites into marketplaces, and what we learned was that, no matter the size of the company, the ability to convert user engagement into real conversions is a true superpower.
The rest is history! My journey with product design continued as I spent the next four years with Riotters, Netguru, and CitizenShipper. During this time, I solved key challenges, including integrating various travel services into the Spotnana mobile app (Riotters), incorporating mobile cells into an accounting app (Netguru), and redesigning a well-known US shipping platform (CitizenShipper).
Currently I run a design team at ThriveProtocol (web3 B2B) and was reponsible of pivoting design and stategy from 0 to 500K userbase.
After years of experience, I developed a new approach to completing projects, which I successfully implemented in my designs. I specialize in crafting digital solutions for SMBs using human-centered design principles in SaaS environments.
I've also successfully completed more than 150 side projects while simultaneously developing and perfecting my own style of design. Recently, I have developed an interest in user analytics and am currently exploring data-driven design principles. When I'm not designing at my studio in Novi Sad, you'll find me enjoying nature or listening to hip-hop.
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